Adaleta Nametak

Shape of this object resembles an obelisk. The intervention consists of the message written on the facade in Braille’s alphabet. The object was built after WWII never to be used (not even in the recent war). Two huge objects and hundreds of smaller ones were built out of the paranoiac fear and remained where they are now as the “value” for the future. The term BUNKERAŠI, dating back to the same period (Bratoljub Klaić, Riječnik stranih riječi, Zagreb 1981, p. 204) is interesting to consider: “A pejorative term for people who used to hide during WWII in order to avoid military mobilization. Bunkeraši refused to serve in any of the armies. This term stands in opposition to the term CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR. The goal of this project is to rehabilitate these objects by changing their purpose (Note that the underground part of the object is currently inaccessible).

Project received for the competition for new monument/artwork in public space in the category “Interventions on existing monuments/ objects”.