Political Practices of (Post)Yugoslav Art – Belgrade

Museum of Yugoslav History (ex Museum 25th May)
November 29 – December 31, 2009


In cooperation with the Museum of Contemporary Art – Belgrade

“Political Practices of (Post-)Yugoslav Art” (2006 – 2009)  – a final exhibition of the collaborative project by:

A joint exhibition and multilingual publication present a continuation of the project and systematize its results. The exhibition consists of case studies and contemporary art works, a pannel discussion and a publication/catalog.

The exhibition will include the case studies/documentation centers developed in the earlier phase of the project, but will also produce and include several new researches, undertaken by individuals or organisations from the region interested in the same period and questions:

  1. The Case of Students’ Cultural Center in the 1970s (Prelom Kolektiv)
  2. TV Gallery (SCCA/pro.ba, kuda.org)
  3. The Continuous Art Class, The Novi Sad Neo-Avantgarde of the 1960’s and 1970’s and the Case of Želimir Žilnik (kuda.org)
  4. Vojin Bakić and the Socialist Modernism (WHW)
  5. Didactic Exhibition – Art Group „EXAT 51“ (WHW, new)
  6. As Soon as I Open My Eyes I See Film (Ana Janevski, new)
  7. Youth Culture and Socialism (Vladimir Jerić, Aleksandra Sekulić, new)
  8. Post 1968 and Melancholy of the Left (Antonia Majača, Ivana Bago, new)
  9. How to read Partisan Art? (Zavod Mina, Ljubljana, new)

Further, the exhibition includes works by internationally renowned contemporary artists, coming from the region: Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Kosovo as well as from Germany, Sweden and Russia. These artworks thematically and methodologically correspond with documentation centers:

  1. David Maljković, Images With Their Own Shadows and Retired Form
  2. Johanna Billing, Another Album
  3. Hito Steyerl, Film Journal No. 1
  4. Chto Delat, Partisan Songspiel
  5. Darinka Pop-Mitić, Solidarity
  6. Angela Melitopoulos, Corridor X
  7. Jakup Ferri, An Artist Who Doesn’t Speak English…
  8. Igor Grubić, Black Peristil
  9. Tanja Lažetić, The Trail of Remembrance and Comradeship
  10. Kunsthistorisches Mausoleum (Belgrade)

The exhibition Political Practices of (Post-)Yugoslav Art is the final exhibition of a project under the same name, initiated in 2006 by four indipendent cultural organizations: WHW (Zagreb), kuda.org (Novi Sad), SCCA/pro.ba (Sarajevo), and Prelom Kolektiv (Belgrade).

The project Political Practices of (Post-)Yugoslav Art has been concieved as a long-term process in which four independent cultural organization collaborated in multidisciplinary research, mapping, and analyzis of the historical, socio-political, and economic conditions that led to current constellation of art practices or intellectual and cultural production in post-Socialist space of „South East Europe“ or, more preciselly, of „Western Balkans“, eg. former Yugoslavia, focusing on relationships of visual arts, cinema and intellectual production in the Yugoslav cultural space. The organizations share the attitude towards culture as a productive process rather than the representative product, and emphasize the cultural policies aspect of all their activities.

The project was constructed in a manner to include the partaking of all interested contributors from the cultural field in the region, thus promoting inter- and trans-regional artistic and intellectual exchange and joint activities in ex-Yugoslav countries.

The project started in June 2006 as the result of a joint decision to develop further, intensify and expand our previous collaborations. The initial framework was set, and the first phase of research started resulting in a number of “case-studies” presented in different cities of the region from the end of 2006 and throughout 2007 and 2008 in the form of exhibitions, publications, panel discussions, screenings and debates: The Continuous Art Class (Novi Sad, Zagreb, Belgrade), The Case of Students’ Cultural Centre in the 1970s (Belgrade), TV Gallery (Zagreb, Novi Sad, Sarajevo, Belgrade), Vojin Bakic (Zagreb), On the Black Wave in YU Cinema (Belgrade)…

This cluster of case-study researches unfolds around the notions of ‘official’ and ‘marginal’ culture within the Socialist state, political strategies in the field of culture and self-management organisation.

Supported by the European Cultural Foundation (ECF) and the Erste Foundation.