Daniel Baumann and Reinhard Storz

March 24-26, 2005


Presentations and lectures by Daniel Baumann and Reinhard Storz, Basel (Switzerland)

Daniel Baumann, freelance curator and art critic:

–  “Art in public space” – Should art in public space be abandoned? Its history sometimes resembles a history of failures. Art in public space is exposed to many expectations and opinions: local politicians understand it as a prestigious tool to embellish their town and their image, local artists claim the public space as their platform, residents are reluctant or indifferent, while various specialists such as curators, artists and urban planners express again and again their doubts. Is art in public space nonsense?

– “Examples from Experimental Film History”:

Introduction into the films produced by the American avant-garde filmmakers Kenneth Anger (*1927) and Paul Sharits (1923-1991) in the 1950s and 1960s. The films of Kenneth Anger are early examples of combining pop music and camp aesthetic while Paul Sharits became known for his radical experiments with cutting, collage and the technique of flicker. Their works can be understood as radical predecessors of today’s music clips. With film projection.

Robert Frank, Cocksucker Blues, 1972

The legend is the following: Around 1970, the Rolling Stones ask Swiss-American filmmaker Robert Frank to make a film about their group. The result was a merciless documentary of a world full of disenchantment, boredom and glamour. After having seen the film, the Rolling Stones took Robert Frank to court in order to forbid it. The judge decided that the film could be shown once a year in the presence of Robert Frank. Whatever the legend is, Cocksucker Blues is the best film on rock ‘n’ roll.

Reinhard Storz, art historian, teaches Art and Media History at the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel (University of Art and Design Basel):

“Web – TV”- 56kTV – Bastard Channel (a Pro Helvetia and Xcult Project)

Fourteen artists from seven countries are invited to contribute to a Web-TV-Program. Though using the techniques and formats of the WWW, the artist’s orientation is the traditional broadcasting formats of a TV station. Derived from the model of ordinary TV channels, the project deploys the form of a daily guide – at all times five programs are offered simultaneously. A text feature from international authors will accompany the TV-project and the individual art-contributions in the form of an online ‘program-magazine’.
56kTV – bastard channel is a work in progress. It was launched as installation on the occasion of VIPER Basel international Media Festival 2004. Until spring 2005 another seven contributions will be added.

Supported by the Swiss Cultural Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina